My Mind is Blank

I have to be honest. I don’t feel like I have much to say right now.

Last week, I didn’t write a blog, because I had nothing to say. This week, I haven’t written anything, because I have nothing to say. Why is that?

There have been times in the past when I’ve thought I had nothing to say, but I open up a new blog page and just start typing. It’s like there was something inside of me that I had no idea was there and all I needed to do was get the blank canvas ready and regurgitate.

But now… nothing. My mind is blank.

I’m not 100% sure why I seem to have hit a rut, but I have a few ideas.

Maybe it’s because I’ve allowed other things in my life to keep me so “busy” that I don’t set time aside for writing. From work to play to side-work to trying to keep up with relationships to needing to rest, I feel like I have nothing left to give. Yet I know that God wanted me to start this blog, so why am I not prioritizing it more?

Maybe it’s because I’m allowing too many other distractions like watching too much TV or reading too many books. Ok, that’s just funny, because there’s no such thing as too many books. But I could put social media in that place. Or the many projects that I’ve started, but don’t have time to finish—probably because of all the stuff going on in the previous paragraph.

Maybe it’s because I’m slowly approaching the one year mark for this blog and I’m worried that people are getting bored with it. Or maybe that I’m subconsciously getting bored with it. Which, let’s be honest, that happens. I know I started this blog for God to do with it what He wants, but what do I do when I feel like I’m in a rut?

Well… I think I may know some of the answers.

  1. PUSH THROUGH - I have to keep asking the Holy Spirit what I should write about, and then just keep on writing. The minute I give up and quit is the minute I just might give up a blessing, or at least delay a breakthrough.

  2. DIG DEEPER - I find I have less to say when I spend less and less time with Jesus in the mornings. Unfortunately, that seems to be where I am right now. My prayer time doesn’t look the way I want it to look and it’s my own fault. Time to get my act right back on.

  3. PRIORITIZE - I know I’ve said it before, but maybe I wasn’t listening… I HAVE TO MAKE TIME FOR WRITING EVERYDAY! I know how important this is yet I fail to do it. Maybe writing it in all caps will make me hear it better.

  4. TRUST GOD - Finally, I just have to keep being obedient in what I feel like God is telling me to do, because there is always purpose in His instruction.

So, you want to know how I know I must be writing this for God and talking directly to myself? I just wrote a blog about how I have nothing to say. I mean, if Alanis Morissette and Glen Ballard had written “Ironic” today, they could’ve added another verse to the song based on this blog.

I guess that means my mind isn’t completely blank after all.